Saturday, May 31, 2008

Raw and Living Foods

It’s hard to believe that Americans are the most wealthy, yet malnourished, of all humans on the planet. Our society reports the highest incident in the world of illnesses such heart disease, chronic fatigue, ADHD, high cholesterol, allergies, joint pain, depression, gallstones, gum disease, hair loss, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, autism, diabetes, insomnia, cancer and other. Much of this is due to our consumption of high-fat, high-sugar, “low-life” foods filled with dangerous preservatives, dyes and chemicals that the FDA approves.

Recently I went to a friend’s house for dinner and she introduced me to living foods. I was intrigued with the fact that foods have life and energy in them, and that when any food is separated from its life source, (its “umbilical cord” to Mother Earth) it begins to die. Processing, cooking, refining, and adding chemicals, coloring or preservatives to food kills the active enzymes, and destroys oxides, chlorophyll, vitamins, essential fatty acids, fiber, and alkaline/acid minerals, thus stripping them of their healing powers. The best way to insure good health is to eat food that is as close to its growing state as possible. This allows our body to access what it needs to heal and protect itself from illness.

Not everyone is able to grow their own food, but there are healthy alternatives. You may purchase organic produce at farmer’s markets and whole food grocery stores, or participate in a co-op such as the Barefoot Farmer’s community supported agriculture group (see or grow herbs, wheat grass and sprouts indoors.

I did some research on living foods, and began my new eating regime. After just a few days of consuming 75% of my diet in raw, organic, and living foods, I felt more energetic, my mind sharpened and my mood lifted. I still have a cheeseburger and fries upon occasion, but after a meal of dead or low-life food, my body quickly notifies me that it didn’t get what it needed. When I begin feeling tired, sleepy or emotionally irritated. I run back to my wheat grass and juicer!

The famous physician, Hippocrates, once said, “Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food.” Most of us agree that what we put into our bodies is very important, but we are hooked on the convenience of fast foods in our busy lifestyles. The best way to get started changing to a living food regimen is to get a copy of Rose Lee Calabros’ book, Living in the Raw, and begin her “Three-Month Plan to a Healthier Mind, Body and Soul.” you may soon find that growing and preparing living foods is a great way to express your creativity. And the best part is you’ll have the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy the “uncooked” life style!

Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and the owner of Write On! Creative Writing Services based in Nashville, Tennessee. She and her team of ghostwriters service clients all over the globe by offering quality writing on a variety of topics at an affordable price. If you need a brochure, web text, business document, resume, bio, article or book, visit While there sure to subscribe to the RSS podcast feed and the free monthly newsletter about writing, networking, publishing and marketing. Read more on Yvonne’s blog at

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